Mountsorrel is a village about 4 miles south of Loughborough in the heart of Leicestershire, England. Find us on google maps.
The Mountsorrel Community Team (MCT) was born out of the village spirit created by the first REVIVAL in 2014. Our aim is to organise and support village events that help to bring the community together and promote local businesses.
The main event we organise is the Mountsorrel REVIVAL – a festival of fun! REVIVAL takes place on the second Sunday in August every year and has come to be a highlight of the village calendar involving all parts of the community.

Link to memories from REVIVAL 2024
Mountsorrel Events in the Planning…
Once new events are confirmed they will appear in the menu bar at the top of every MCT page including this one. Please click on any event name for more details.
Volunteer to Help:
If you would like to volunteer to help the MCT with any of our events please click here to complete our volunteering form. You can choose what you do and when and for how long. It can be for just an hour or two at REVIVAL or something more long term.
Contact Us:
Click here if you would like to comment on any of our plans or tell us about a good idea that you have.