Meet the MCT Team

Find out who’s in the MCT and how you can join.

Check the list below to see how the team is made up and the roles that each member performs. The MCT is always on the lookout for new members to help organise village events or for others who may just want to help on the day.

Complete our simple Volunteer to Help form if you want to register your interest. There’s no obligation if you decide that it’s not for you after finding out more.

Honorary Members
The late Graham Lloyd Recognised for his role in creating the MCT and leading it as chair/deputy chair for over 4 years.
Team Members
Caroline Moss Chair
Jill Lemon Deputy Chair
Angie Smith Treasurer
Mona Cook Secretary
David Williams Health, Safety & Environment
Ross Tomlyn Team Member
Jill O’Neill Team Member
Steve Haywood Team Member
Julia Wragge Team Member
Craig Smith Team Member
Jackie Williams Team Member
Mick Wragge Team Member
Angela Brooks Team Member
  Mark Hall Team Member
Associate Members
Support Role
Photo of Ian Shonk Ian Shonk Creative Content Consultant
Face of Sandra Utteridge Sandra Utteridge Organisational Support
Michael Clayton – MAC1 Electrical Electrical Safety Consultant
Retired Members
Support Role
Face of Anthony Orr Rev. Anthony Orr Churches Together Liaison
Barry Utteridge Finance Support